Several times we are required to develop some connected lookup columns like Country-State-City. I have also come across similar requirement and that is also without writing any server side code and without third party controls.
To meet this requirement I have created two lists,
1. Country and State Mapping list.
2. Second List where I want to display State based on the selected Country from Drop Down.
while creating this list I have created Country column as Lookup Column to the List1 with Country [LinkTitle] Column and State Column as Choice (or you can create lookup column on list1 with State field].
After creating this basic environment ready, now its time to write Javascript in content editor webpart using XMLHTTP object.
To meet this requirement I have created two lists,
1. Country and State Mapping list.
2. Second List where I want to display State based on the selected Country from Drop Down.
while creating this list I have created Country column as Lookup Column to the List1 with Country [LinkTitle] Column and State Column as Choice (or you can create lookup column on list1 with State field].
After creating this basic environment ready, now its time to write Javascript in content editor webpart using XMLHTTP object.
- Open List2 -> Click on New and it will open NewForm.aspx page.
- In the address bar add "?PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2" after NewForm.aspx and your URL will look like NewForm.aspx?PageView=Shared&ToolPaneView=2.
- This will open NewForm.aspx in Edit mode, and now add Content Editor Web Part to the page.
- Open the Source Editor of the Content Editor Web Part and add the below code. I have included the comments within functions.
<script type="text/javascript"> _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push("PageOnLoad"); function PageOnLoad() { // This function will add onchange event to the //Country DropDown field and call OnChanged function. var lookupElement = GetElementByTypeAndTitle('SELECT', 'Country'); if (lookupElement != null) { lookupElement.onchange = function () { OnChanged(lookupElement.options[lookupElement.selectedIndex].text)}; } } function OnChanged(FilterValue) { // siteName - the root / and possibly sub site you are working on // lookupListName - the guid for the list you want to use as lookup // lookupViewName - the guid for the view filtering the content of the list // NOTE: TO DERIVE THE GUID FOR THE LIST NAME AND VIEW NAME // Open the List -> Settings -> List Settings -> Click on "All Items" view, // From the URL you can get the ListName GUID and ListView GUID. // textField - the field you want to show to the user // valueField - this is most of the time the internal ID field // FilterField - the field you want to be a filter // FilterValue - the filter's value var siteName = "http://sharepointsite/"; var lookupListName = "{0FC682A9-1872-46D9-B8E3-E32A9E92EF74}"; var lookupViewName = "{927FACB3-5CAF-48AE-9EFF-6578B9919AF8}"; var FilterField = "LinkTitle"; var textField = "ows_State"; var valueField = "ows_State"; var filterElement = GetElementByTypeAndTitle('SELECT', 'State'); filterElement.innerHTML = ""; var reqstring = siteName + "/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?CS=109&XMLDATA=1&RowLimit=0&List=" + lookupListName + "&View=" + lookupViewName; if (FilterValue != "") reqstring = reqstring + "&FilterField1=" + escape(FilterField) + "&FilterValue1=" + escape(FilterValue); var req = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");"GET", reqstring, false); req.send(); // -- loading response in XML Document var doc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); doc.loadXML(req.responseText); var data = doc.documentElement.childNodes(1); for (i = 0; i < data.childNodes.length; i++) { var optionText = data.childNodes(i).attributes.getNamedItem(textField).value; var optionValue = data.childNodes(i).attributes.getNamedItem(valueField).value; var opt = document.createElement("OPTION"); filterElement.options.add(opt); opt.innerText = optionText; opt.value = optionValue; } } function GetElementByTypeAndTitle(elementType, elementTitle) { //get the Element by tag name. var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName(elementType); for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) { //compare the Title. if (allElements[i].title == elementTitle) return allElements[i]; } return null; } </script>